Wakasa Tourist Infomation

Uriwari no Taki Selected 100 Exquisite and Well-Conserved Waters

The name for this waterfall, the 'Uriwari no Taki' (Breaking Waterfall) comes from an old tale that tells how the falling water has been so cold it can split a melon in two. In 1985 the water was recognized among Japan's very best. The title "Fukui no Oishii Mizu" (Fukui's delicious waters) was officially bestowed in January 2006. The purity of this water and surrounding greenery saturate this soothing location with negative ions. The waterfall itself, located in Wakasa Uriwari Meisui Park, is a pleasant place for a stroll and especially delightful in June when visitors can enjoy the hydrangias in bloom. A Wakasa Meisui Festival is held on the first Sunday in August.

Address Tentokuji, Wakasa-cho, Mikatakaminaka-gun, Fukui-pref. 919-1543
Access On Maizuru-Wakasa Expressway
12 min. drive from Wakasa-Kaminaka I.C. (via Pref. Route 22 and Route 27)

15 min. walk from JR Obama line Kaminaka Station
Opening Hours The waterfall can be visited at any time.
Meisui no Sato (shop) is open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. *Please inquire about regular closing days.
Closed Days Irregular holidays from year end through winter season
Parking Available
Inquiries Wakasa Uriwari Meisui Park Kanri Kumiai, "Meisui no Sato." Phone. 0770-62-0186
Web SIte http://www.town.fukui-wakasa.lg.jp/kankou/sitesheeing/uriwari/

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