Wakasa Tourist Infomation

Mikata Onsen Kirara-no-yu (Hot Springs)

This day-trip hot springs facility opened in March 2005. The water contains high levels of sodium chloride and is effective for treating neuralgia. The comforting warmth remains within for long afterwards.

Address 1-6-1 Chuo, Wakasa-cho, Mikatakaminaka-gun, Fukui-pref.
Access On Maizuru-Wakasa Expressway
5 min. drive from Wakasa-Mikata I.C. (via Route 27 and Route 162)

10 min. walk from JR Obama line Mikata Station.
Opening Hours 10:00 to 22:00 (Last entry 21:30)
【Currently closes at 20:00 (last admission at 19:30)】
Closed Days Closed on the first Wednesday of every month (if it falls on a public holiday, the facility will be closed the following Wednesday).
Fee Adults (over junior high school) JPY 650
Child (below elementary school) JPY 300
Infant (below 3 years old) free
Parking Available
Web SIte https://www.kiraranoyu.net/

Recommendations for You

If you have any questions about the trip to Wakasa, please feel free to contact us. Contact US